Bulk material handling hoses
Bulk material handling hoses – general information
Material handling hoses are used for the transfer of bulk loose materials with high abrasion coefficient. They are used for such applications as sandblasting, shot-blasting, dry-ice blasting, plaster, concrete, cement, sand and gravel transfer but also for grain, granules, feed, seed, sugar, flour (detailed information concerning application are available on catalogue pages of particular hoses).
To match the specific requirements of these applications, the material handling hoses are made of such abrasion-resistant materials as: SBR/NR rubber compound, PU/PVC plastic material or ceramic plates embedded in natural rubber. The inner layer of food grade hoses is made of white rubber. The abrasion resistance of the rubber hose inner layer ranges from 36 mm3 do 80 mm3 according to DIN 53516 (the smaller the value, the higher abrasion resistance of hose material).
The hoses in this group are available in inner diameter range from 13 to 500 mm. The maximum working pressure is 80 bar (hoses for concrete).
The fittings can be assembled on the material handling hoses using either worm drive clamps, bolt clamps, special screwed flanges or they can be crimped with ferrules. For more information see Industrial fittings section.
For other material handling hoses see ducting hoses group and steel stripwound hoses group.
Material handling hoses – for loose bulk materials
Hoses for loose bulk materials are used for the transfer of granules, feed, seed, grain, sugar, flour, powder, cement, lime and sand. These dry bulk materials are conveyed through the hose with the use of compressed air or no pressure (gravity drop). Widely used in warehouses, silos, cement mills, mines, power plants, steel mills, plants manufacturing insulating materials. Commonly used in road and rail transport for loading/unloading operations (cement trucks, feed trucks, flour trucks).
The material handling hoses for loose materials are made of abrasion-resistant SBR/NR rubber compound, PU/PVC plastic material or ceramic. The inner layer of food transfer hoses is made of white rubber. The abrasion resistance of the inner rubber layer is determined by rubber volume loss expressed in cubic millimetres according to ISO 4649 (previously according to DIN 53516) – the smaller the value, the higher abrasion resistance of hose material.
Fittings intended for material handling hoses for loose bulk materials (see INDUSTRIAL FITTINGS) should be mounted with worm-drive clamps, bands and bolt clamps or crimped with ferrules.
For other material handling hoses for loose bulk materials see the following hose groups as well: ductingu hoses and steel stripwound hoses.
Hoses for cleaning and wet blasting: with sand, steel shot or dry ice.
They are made of extremely abrasion-resistant SBR/NR rubber compound, reinforced with textile cord. The abrasion resistance of the inner rubber layer is determined by rubber volume loss expressed in cubic millimetres according to ISO 4649 (previously according to DIN 53516) – the smaller the value , the higher abrasion resistance of hose material.
They are used with special couplings and nozzles for sandblasting, made of cast iron, aluminium or nylon (see INDUSTRIAL FITTINGS).
Dredge hoses
Delivery and suction-delivery hoses for gravel and sand with water used on suction dredgers and dredger cutters during dredging operations aiming to remove sediment from waterbed or to deepen waterways. They are used for the suction of dredge spoil (pulp) from the bottom and then for the transfer from the dredger to a dump site. Used in gravel pits and sand pits.
The inner layer made of SBR/NR rubber reinforced with textile cord or steel wire braid, with additional steel helix. The outer layer resistant to seawater, oil, abrasion and weather conditions. Supplied as complete hose assemblies with built-in, vulcanised and rubber-protected flanges.
List of products:

Granulate hoses

Hoses for silo emptying and filling

Material handling hoses for foodstuffs

Hoses for dry and wet abrasive substances

Cement, sand, gravel transfer hoses

Dredger hoses

Ceramic material handling hoses

Sand-blasting hose

Shot-blasting hoses