Rubber hose with a bend restrictor for contact adhesive

Rubber hose with a bend restrictor for contact adhesive

Application connecting a canister with a spray gun for contact adhesive application
Medium contact adhesive
Working pressure 22 bar
Working temperature +20°C

Description: NR SPRAY rubber hose with an inner diameter of 6 mm and inner layer made of polyamide is used for connecting 22 litre canister with a spray gun for contact adhesive application. The hose assembly has ¼” NPSM female thread at one end, JIC 7/16” female thread connector at the other end. Fittings and ferrules are made of carbon steel. EM-KKS-06 rubber bend restrictors are installed at end fittings to prevent the hose from kinking.

NR SPRAY hose assemblies are mainly used in the furniture industry and lacquer industry.