Tubes International Kraków Branch

Beginnings of the Małopolska branch

Highly qualified and experienced employees and a friendly atmosphere – this is how the Cracow branch of Tubes International, which has been operating in the capital of Malopolska since April 2004, can be described in a nutshell. We are based at 6 Christo Botewa Street – next to the car exchange.


We have our in-house workshop, where we produce complete hydraulic hose assemblies. They are all marked to be traced easily in the future, should there be a need for replacement or repair.

Mission impossible? Not for us!

We guarantee that each customer gets a product that is not just suitable – this product meets the highest quality standards. Our team of experts will be happy to answer any questions and help you choose the right product. Whenever necessary, they can make a field visit and conduct some inspection and troubleshooting because the idea behind our business is to cater for the most unique needs of our customers.

Our work is our passion

We are fans of motorsports. We support, with our advice and resources, the AGH Racing team from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow and their car competing in the Dakar Rally.

Services provided at the branch

  • Production of industrial hose assemblies

  • Production of PTFE hose assemblies

  • Crimping hydraulic hoses

  • Production of thermoplastic hose assemblies

  • Production of hoses for pressure washers

  • Hydraulic pipe bending

Some services are performed outside the branch – enquire about the services at the branch.

industrial hoses Kraków

Catalogue products

Custom products

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Check if the product is available in a Branch.

1. Go to the selected product in the online store.
2. After clicking the link "In branches" you will see the availability of the product.


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