Are bellows of steel expansion joints manufactured as multi-layered?

The bellow of a steel expansion joint can be made as both multi-layer (most common) and single-layer (less common). The number of layers in a steel bellow depends on the parameters of the expansion joint, which include design pressure, temperature and value of design displacement. The multi-layer bellows can have from 2 up to 10 [...]


What materials are used to manufacture steel expansion joints?

Steel expansion joints can be made from a variety of steel alloys, depending on the conditions (pressure, temperature) in which they will operate and the type of medium that will flow through them. The working components of the expansion joints, i.e. bellows, are usually made of standard stainless steel and acid-resistant steel: 1.4541(ASI321), 1.4404(AISI316L), 1.4571(AISI316Ti) [...]


What types of displacement can steel expansion joints accommodate?

Depending on their design, steel expansion joints can accommodate movement in several directions: axial lateral angular along the axis of an expansion joint: compression or extension perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of an expansion joint displacing an expansion joint angularly from its longitudinal axis Ā  Obviously, in the actual operating conditions of a [...]


What are the maximum operating parameters including pressure and temperature that steel expansion joints can operate within?

Steel expansion joints come in countless design and material options, so they can operate at feasible operating parameters reaching very high values. When the expansion joints with multi-layer bellows are used, their working pressure may exceed 100 bar, depending on the expansion joint diameter. The same applies to the working temperature, which can even reach [...]

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